Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Pokemon Go Battles Childhood Obesity, Experts Say

"Look Ma, I'm finding monsters without taking any acid!"

When was the last time anyone went into the woods looking for mystical creatures without choking down an eighth of mushrooms? Today, millions of sober people are unabatedly leaving the house searching for imaginary beings in Nintendo's latest blockbuster: 'Pokémon Go'

Here's how it works: After downloading the app and picking a team, one must start walking(physically) around gathering poke balls, pokemons, eggs, and healing spray.  eggs hatch after walking.  balls are needed to capture pokemons.  healing elixir is needed to heal your injured pokemon(s).  Pokemons can get injured after losing a battle at a 'Pokegym'.  Pokegyms are locations you go to compete against other teams, there are 3 teams you can join: Mystic, Valor, and Instinct...

What's not confusing about Pokémon Go is the impact it's having on players physical activity.  Average players are walking an additional 3.7 miles a day than they were before the game was released,  or in other words, burning almost an additional 400 calories. With over 7.5 million downloads in the US alone, it is on track to do more for childhood obesity than every previous childhood obesity initiative COMBINED!

Let's hope the trend continues- oooh, Pikachu!

"I lost 217 lbs playing Pokémon Go!"